Tuesday, August 29, 2023

TT&S is now an approved SHRM Professional Development Credits Provider!


For those of you with a SHRM credential, we've got exciting news. 

TT&S was recently approved to offer SHRM Professional Development Credits for our leadership-focused training materials. This means that by attending our safety leadership webinars, you can earn credits toward your SHRM recertification.

We're planning on holding an "Intro to Risk Assessment" training within the next month, so stay tuned for details! The next topic we'll be offering is Contractor Safety Management.

Other topics we've offered include:

- OSHA Recordkeeping

-  Supervisor Safety Training

- OSHA Inspection Primer

- Management of Change

- Incident Investigations

- Heat Illness Protection Plan

- Stop Work Authority

- Lone Worker Hazards

If you'd like to receive notifications for these training opportunities, please contact me at k.bratz@ttsafety.com and I'll add you to our recipient list.

Note: TT&S is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP recertification activities.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Overhead Power Line Safety: Lineman's Fatal Electrocution

OSHA issued a press release in late July detailing the safety issues that led to a lineman's fatal electrocution due to overhead power lines.

We emphasize in our electrical training course to stay at least ten feet away from overhead power lines unless you have confirmation from the power company that the lines have been de-energized. 

If you work near power lines as a normal part of your job, it's easy to become complacent. After all, if nothing bad has happened for years, why would it now?

Sometimes it's sobering stories like these that can wake us up to the real risks.

From OSHA's release, here are the violations that led to this tragedy:

  • Allowing employees to operate a digger truck within the minimum approach distance to non-insulated, energized 7,620-volt overhead power lines.
  • Failing to designate an observer to supervise and warn employees working near energized and non-insulated overhead power lines before minimum approach distances were breached.
  • Not ensuring protective equipment was in place to ground and insulate the area while employees worked near energized power lines.
  • Failing to inspect the site and equipment to make certain employees did not approach overhead power lines and to ground all equipment before starting work.

Over $40,000 in fines were proposed for this incident.

You can read the whole press release here:

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Back to School: Keep Safe Around School Buses


It's that time of year again -- parents are stuffing their shopping carts with notebooks and pencils, kids are sighing and dreaming of an endless summer vacation, and school bus drivers are gearing up to get back on the road.

Keep these things in mind for driving around school buses to keep everyone safe.

Motorists must stop from either direction when a school bus displays alternating flashing lights or when a stop sign control arm is extended.

Motorists may not proceed until:

- The red lights are deactivated and the stop is retracted,

- The bus driver signals them to proceed, or

- The bus resumes motion.

Be extra aware around school buses. They must stop at railroad crossings, and they may make other unanticipated stops. Do NOT pass if the red lights are activated or the stop sign is extended.

Children have lost their lives from unaware drivers -- don't let it happen on your watch!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Holiday Inn Partnership

We're excited to announce we've recently partnered with Holiday Inn in Bismarck for a flat room rate. If you need to travel to Bismarck for TT&S' workshops or meetings, feel free to contact the Holiday Inn and ask them for TT&S' flat rate of $94. We're hoping this will help everyone with travel planning and expenses. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Happy and safe travels!

A conference of technical education and skills improvement with fun, socializing, and prizes!

The future of the broadband industry was on display at the 2025 TT&S Annual Conference & Vendor Showcase! Taking place at The Bismar...