Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hard Hat Best Practices


While everyone knows what a hard hat is, and it seems pretty self-explanatory, there's a lot more beneath the surface you should know about selecting the right hard hat, how to keep them maintained properly, and when they should be replaced. Read on to learn more.

  • If the manufacturer has a set expiration date, that's the date you must take the hard hat out of service.
  • If there's no recommended expiration set by the manufacturer, a common timeframe is five years, although this is not a set-in-stone OSHA requirement.
  • The recommended hard hat replacement schedule is two years if the hard hat is regularly subjected to harsh environments like sun exposure or extreme temperatures. Storing them in a temperature-controlled environment can help on this one.
  • An easy test for hard hat condition is to use both hands to squeeze the hard hat’s shell inward. If you hear cracking or the hard hat ‘gives,’ then replace it.
  • Sometimes the suspension system inside the hard hat has a different replacement schedule than the shell. Many manufacturers recommend replacing this on a yearly basis.
  • This one is not always popular, but it’s best practice not to put stickers or paint on hard hats. The main gist is that it could affect the electrical protection or hide any damage or defects on the hard hat. (https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/2009-10-27)
  • Always make sure you’re using the correct hard hat for the job – there are different classes for electrical hazards and direction of hazards (above vs. above and from the side). See charts below.


(This image is from PowerPak.net: https://www.powerpak.net/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-hard-hats/)

Still not sure which hard hat is the correct type for you? Go ahead and follow this link to take a quiz: https://take.quiz-maker.com/QW2Y90M9K

If you're familiar with the TT&S safety manual, we recommend a Class E hard hat in general.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

How Does your Company's Safety Program Measure Up?

In the broadband industry, safety isn’t just a priority—it’s a core value that can’t be compromised. But not all safety programs are created equal. They evolve over time, progressing through stages of maturity. Understanding where your safety program stands on the maturity spectrum can help you find areas of improvement and ensure your workforce is protected at all times. 

In this blog post, we'll explore how to measure the maturity of your safety program and provide suggestions for improving safety at each level.

Too long; won't read? Take this quiz to find out which stage your company is in. Personalized recommendations included: https://take.quiz-maker.com/QL3V4JR3J

1. Reactive Stage

What this looks like:
  • Safety is mostly put on the backburner, or if it's considered, is mostly driven by compliance with regulations, sometimes after the threat of a citation.
  • Incidents and accidents are often the drivers for safety initiatives.
  • There is minimal employee involvement in safety processes.

How to improve at this stage:
  •  Establish Basic Reporting Systems: Implement a simple incident reporting system that allows employees to easily report hazards and near-misses. It doesn't matter whether this is paper or electronic -- simple is best.
  • Training & Awareness: Conduct basic safety training sessions to ensure all employees understand the importance of safety and their role in it. If TT&S is your training provider, great! Make sure management is attending trainings and referring to training to help bolster the points being made.
  • Develop a Safety Policy: Create a clear safety policy that outlines the company’s commitment to safety and the responsibilities of each employee, or feel free to adopt or borrow from TT&S's rural broadband safety manual.

2. Compliance-Based Stage

What this looks like:
  • The focus is on adhering to legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Safety processes are in place, but they are often seen as a checkbox exercise.
  • Employee involvement is still limited, and safety culture is weak.
How to improve at this stage:
  • Strengthen Leadership Commitment: Encourage leaders to actively participate in safety initiatives and demonstrate a commitment to safety beyond compliance. Consider making safety the first line item of management meetings as a start.
  • Improve Communication: Start regular safety meetings and encourage open communication between management and employees about safety concerns. If you haven't already started a near miss reporting program, now's a great time. Starting a company safety committee is great too -- make sure both management and front line employees are represented.
  • Expand Training Programs: Introduce more comprehensive training that goes beyond compliance, focusing on hazard identification, risk assessment, and proactive safety behaviors. Attending or watching recordings of TT&S's safety leadership topics trainings would be a great start here.

3. Proactive Stage

What this looks like:
  • Safety is integrated into daily operations, and there is a focus on preventing incidents before they occur.
  • Employees are increasingly involved in safety initiatives, and there is a growing safety culture.
  • Safety performance is monitored and used to drive continuous improvement.

How to improve at this stage:
  • Implement a Safety Management System (SMS): Develop and implement a formal SMS that includes risk management, incident investigation, and safety performance monitoring. Does your company have formal annual reviews for employees? Consider including an annual safety goal along with their other goals that are reviewed yearly.
  • Encourage Employee Ownership: Empower employees to take ownership of safety through involvement in safety committees and suggestion programs.
  • Focus on Leading Indicators: Shift focus from lagging indicators (like injury rates) to leading indicators (like safety observations and near-miss reports) to predict and prevent incidents.

4. Managed Stage

What this looks like:
  • Safety is well-managed with documented procedures and processes.
  • Safety performance is systematically reviewed and improved.
  • The safety culture is strong, and employees actively participate in safety initiatives.

How to improve at this stage:

  • Enhance Data Analytics: Use advanced data analytics to identify trends and make informed decisions to further reduce risks. Measuring those leading and lagging indicators will get you there.
  • Benchmarking: Compare your safety performance with industry peers to identify best practices and areas for improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly update safety procedures based on feedback and the latest industry standards (TT&S can keep tabs on that for you). Engage in ongoing training and development to keep safety practices current.

5. Integrated Stage

What this looks like:
  • Safety is deeply integrated into the company’s values and business strategy.
  • Safety leadership is demonstrated at all levels, and employees are fully engaged in maintaining a safe work environment.
  • Continuous improvement is embedded in the organization’s culture, with safety performance reaching excellence.

How to improve at this stage:

  • Innovate and Lead: Focus on innovation in safety practices and technologies, becoming a leader in safety within the industry.
  • Share Knowledge: Share your safety success stories and best practices with the broader industry to contribute to overall industry safety improvement.
  • Sustain the Culture: Continuously nurture the safety culture by recognizing and rewarding safety excellence, keeping safety at the forefront of every decision.

Assessing the maturity of your safety program is an essential step in ensuring the well-being of your workforce and the overall success of your company. By understanding your current maturity level and taking actionable steps to improve, you can create a safer work environment, reduce incidents, and foster a culture where safety is truly valued. Start where you are, and commit to continuous improvement—because when it comes to safety, there’s always room to grow.

Safety Incentives: The good, the bad, the ugly

  Does your company have safety incentives? Maybe the term "safety incentives" is intimidating. Do you recognize employees who dem...