Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Feb 1st to April 30th: OSHA 300A Form Posting Requirements

 It's the new year, and everyone's mind is on the posting requirements for the OSHA 300A log.

Well, maybe not, but we're here to make it simple for you to know what's required.

The OSHA 300A log is a form that includes key information about the previous year, including number of work-related injuries or illnesses within the company, some basic information about those incidents, and total number of employees as well as total hours worked by all employees.

You can access the form at the following link, which also includes the 300 and 301 forms:

The 2022 completed form, including a signature from a company executive, must be posted somewhere conspicuous, such as where labor law posters are displayed, from February 1st to April 30th of this year.

Last year, I conducted a training on OSHA Recordables and the OSHA 300A log. This training can be found at the following Vimeo link:

However, if you have any questions about the forms, whether an injury or illness would be considered a recordable, or any related question, please feel free to reach out.


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