Thursday, May 30, 2024

Seat Belts Save Lives


Sobering statistics from Vision Zero ND, a North Dakota state initiative to promote traffic safety, show that we've got a long ways to go with seat belt use.

Here's just a few of their numbers:

69% of North Dakota motor vehicle fatalities in 2022 were not wearing a seat belt.

Back in 2019, there were enough fatalities due to not wearing seat belts that every 11 days one unbelted vehicle occupant died in the state of North Dakota.

Over the ten year period of 2010-2019, seat belt use in North Dakota was consistently lower than the national rate.

Remember that your seat belt use doesn't just affect you -- if things go really wrong, it can affect your family, friends, and everyone you associate with.

This heartbreaking story of the Nelson family attests to this reality. Buckle up for the ones you love.

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